First Peoples Worldwide Joins Indigenous-led Coalition that Promotes Rights-Centered Transition to the Clean Energy Economy

SIRGE Coalition Launches Website August 9 to Help Secure Indigenous People’s Rights in a Green Economy First Peoples Worldwide is among several organizations to provide leadership to a new coalition to Secure Indigenous People’s Rights in a Green Economy (SIRGE Coalition). To commemorate the International Day…

Kenya: UN expert hails historic reparations ruling in favour of indigenous peoples

An independent UN human rights expert on Monday hailed a decision by the African Court on Human and People’s Rights, to award reparations to the Ogiek indigenous peoples, for harm that they suffered due to “injustices and discrimination.” The historic ruling follows a landmark judgment delivered by the…

First climate agreement to center Indigenous voices gains international support

The Escazú Agreement establishes the relationship between human rights and environmental protections. The United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues urged its member states to adopt it. The first climate agreement focusing on Indigenous perspectives continues to gain international support after the United Nations Permanent…

The Russian Government blocked Indigenous Russia immediately after the EMRIP session

My name is Dmitry Berezhkov, and I am the editor-in-chief of the Indigenous Russia web page. This web page was created several years ago as a small blog to follow indigenous rights development in Russia. Today iRussia is an information center whose main aim is to…

Yana Tannagasheva’s statement at EMRIP 15th session. ITEM 9: Thematic discussion on Violence against Indigenous Women

4-8 July 2022 Oral statement of Ms. Yana Tannagasheva on behalf ofInternational Committee of Indigenous Peoples of Russia (ICIPR) Thank you, Madame Chair, Dear brothers and sisters, Yesterday, within the walls of the UN, we saw the unacceptable, undiplomatic behavior of a representative of…

Yana Tannagasheva’s statement at EMRIP 15th session. Agenda #3 “Study on Treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements, between indigenous peoples and States”

ITEM 3: Study on Treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements, between indigenous peoples and States, including peace accords and reconciliation initiatives, and their constitutional recognition EMRIP 4-8 July 2022 Oral statement of Ms. Yana Tannagasheva on behalf of Society for Threatened Peoples / International Committee of…

Dmitry Berezhkov: “How does the militarization of Russia’s internal politics, social life and economy affect indigenous peoples’ development in Russia?”

15 Session of the Expert Mechanism on the rights of indigenous peoples. 4 July 2022, Geneva EMRIP Side-Event: The influence of the aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine on indigenous peoples of Russia – Presentation by Dmitry Berezhkov: “How does the militarization of…

ICIPR statement at EMRIP 15th session. Agenda # 10. Future work of the Expert Mechanism

Agenda # 10. Future work of the Expert Mechanism, including the focus of future thematic studies. Thank you, Madam chair. Dear colleagues, during the first day of the Expert Mechanism session, we witnessed the scene when the Russian Federation representative intimidated a member of…


Exiled Siberian Shor indigenous representative Yana Tannagasheva had just finished reading a statement on Monday about human rights violations in her homeland when she was subjected to aggressive behavior by a representative of the Russian Mission to the UN in Geneva. The Russian diplomat’s open hostility, in…

ICIPR statement against intimidation of indigenous delegates by the Russian state’s representative during the EMRIP 15th session in Geneva

Dear delegates of the Expert Mechanism session! Dear indigenous sisters and brothers and distinguished states’ representatives! This is a statement regarding the fact of intimidation of Mrs. Yana Tannagasheva during the 15th session of the UN Expert Mechanism on the rights of indigenous peoples…