Joint Side Event of Arctida and ADC Memorial Brussels at the OSCE Human Rights Conference: Criminalization and Destruction of Indigenous Peoples in Russia: State and Corporate Violations

Date: October 8, 2024
Time: 13:30-14:30
Location: Hotel Sofitel Victoria, Warsaw, Opera Room

This event will focus on the severe challenges facing Indigenous peoples in the Arctic zone of Russia, including state repression and environmental devastation by mining companies.

The discussion will be led by Ilya Shumanov, head of the NGO Arctida, alongside independent experts from the Indigenous peoples’ movement. Shumanov will present recent findings from his team, revealing how GONGOs (government-organized NGOs) funded by mining companies like Nornickel, in collaboration with corrupt Indigenous representatives, are lobbying for the removal of international sanctions on these corporations.

Independent experts will provide insights into the real situation on the ground, where traditional lifestyles in the Tundra and Taiga are under threat. Mining operations are destroying the environment, polluting water and air, and making it impossible for Indigenous peoples to continue their traditional practices of hunting, fishing, and gathering. Despite the vast wealth generated by these companies in the Arctic, none of it reaches the Indigenous communities. Those who speak out against this exploitation and destruction are criminalized and branded as extremists by the Russian state.

Taken from here