Indigenous Leaders to Convene at Global Summit on the Energy Transition

Summit Highlights a Rights-Based Approach and Centers Indigenous Peoples’ Priorities and Solutions 

The Indigenous Peoples Global Coordinating Committee, in partnership with Securing Indigenous Peoples Rights to a Green Economy (SIRGE) Coalition, is hosting the JUST TRANSITION:  Indigenous Peoples’ Perspectives, Knowledge, and Lived Experiences, an international summit taking place from October 8 to 10, 2024, in Geneva, Switzerland. 

Over 100 representatives of Indigenous Peoples from the seven socio-cultural regions of the world will gather to collectively define a Just Transition and the green economy from Indigenous perspectives. The summit calls for a rights-based approach rooted in principles such as self-determination, FPIC, cultural rights, land and territorial rights, and the participation of Indigenous Peoples in decision-making processes. 

Rodion Sulyandziga, Chair of the Indigenous Peoples Global Coordinating Committee, said, “For the energy transition to be truly just and effective in mitigating the climate crisis, Indigenous Peoples must be central to decision-making, leadership, and solutions. All development projects on or near Indigenous territories must receive Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) from Indigenous Peoples, as set out by the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). It is important that development initiatives under the labels of green energy, green economy, climate change mitigation, and conservation do not repeat harms and rights violations of past extractive practices, particularly those against Indigenous Peoples.”

The three-day summit will feature a mix of panels and breakout sessions focusing on key issues affecting Indigenous Peoples. Topics will include transition minerals, transition agriculture, and regional case studies highlighting both negative impacts and best practices. The summit will challenge common terminology and narratives in the current energy transition and redefine the energy transition using Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge and solutions, developing shared principles and criteria for a truly Just Transition.

The first two days will be dedicated exclusively to deliberations by and among Indigenous leaders. These two days will encompass closed-door meetings to allow for in-depth discussion on critical themes and the sharing of experiences and solutions.

The morning of day three will involve the development and approval of a common position by Indigenous Peoples. The afternoon session will be dedicated to dialogue with member states, representatives of multilateral institutions, and other stakeholders. The final declaration will be approved by consensus, including agreed-upon principles, priorities, and recommendations for next steps. 

The goals of the forum include: 

1. To discuss and agree on criteria and principles for a rights-based Just Transition and green economy, including presenting examples and contributions based on the traditional knowledge and practices of Indigenous Peoples on the ground and in their own territories.  

2. To build solidarity among impacted Indigenous Peoples of the seven socio-cultural regions.

3. To increase awareness and share information among Indigenous Peoples as well as non-Indigenous allies from the grassroots to the international levels.

4. To build opportunities for participation by impacted Indigenous Peoples in policy debates and negotiations on local, national, and international levels addressing energy transition policies and practices.

5. To amplify the voices of impacted Indigenous Peoples in decision-making at the United Nations and other international forums deliberating about the energy transition.

The Indigenous Peoples Global Coordinating Committee (IPGCC) will ensure regional and gender balance including youth engagement based on cultural understanding of each represented region. The event will center affected Indigenous communities. The working language of the Summit will be English with interpretation services provided in Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, and French.

To learn more about the upcoming summit, visit:

For media folks interested in attending the summit, please send an email to [email protected]


The Indigenous Peoples Global Coordinating Committee (IPGCC) consists of Indigenous leaders and organizations from all seven socio-cultural regions that are coordinating and hosting the first Indigenous Peoples’ summit on a Just Transition to develop the common position and the Indigenous Peoples  Declaration based on their values, principles, and vision.  

The Securing Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in the Green Economy (SIRGE) Coalition implements transformative solutions to secure the rights of Indigenous Peoples in the global transition to a green economy. The SIRGE Coalition emphasizes  the urgent need to operationalize Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) and ensure Indigenous Peoples’ right to self-determination in the transition mineral supply chain, as enumerated in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The Coalition is comprised of First Peoples Worldwide, Cultural Survival, Earthworks, Batani Foundation, and Society for Threatened Peoples, with new affiliate member International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA).

Media Contact: [email protected]

To Prevent Harm and Uphold Rights, ICMM Must Address the “Critically Weak” Indigenous Peoples’ Policy

Statement from the Securing Indigenous Peoples Rights in the Green Economy (SIRGE) Coalition about the International Council on Mining and Metals’ (ICMM) Position Statement on Indigenous Peoples

On August 8, the International Council on Mining and Metals, a mining industry trade association representing one third of the global mining industry, released a new position statement on Indigenous Peoples. The Securing Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in the Green Economy, or SIRGE Coalition urges ICMM to revise, correct and strengthen this statement to address critical gaps and shortcomings that threaten perpetuating the mining industry’s historical harms to Indigenous Peoples. Given that over half of all mining for energy transition minerals globally are on or near  the territories of Indigenous Peoples, ICMM must  ensure its members operate in a manner that fully respects and upholds the rights of Indigenous Peoples.

While the updated ICMM position statement acknowledges Indigenous Peoples’ rights, SIRGE notes that it allows for a wide degree of flexibility and interpretation potentially putting Indigenous Peoples and their rights at serious risk. The SIRGE Coalition urges ICMM to require that its mining company members to fully commit to obtaining Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) as enumerated in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).

ICMM must clearly state that no project can proceed without the explicit  Free, Prior and Informed Consent of affected Indigenous Peoples. This requirement must be absolute—if consent is withheld, the project must not move forward. 

ICMM’s reliance on States to fulfill  Free, Prior and Informed Consent obligations is a critical flaw. As a standard bearer for industry, ICMM policy should recognize that State standards may be inadequate, insufficient or non-existent compared to accepted international standards. ICMM members are among the world’s largest and wealthiest mining companies in the world, and must take direct responsibility for ensuring their operations fully respect  Free, Prior and Informed Consent as outlined by UNDRIP. ICMM members must implement and operationalize these policies with full participation of impacted Indigenous Peoples, especially in contexts where States fail to uphold  Indigenous Peoples’ rights.  

“We recognize that ICMM has made efforts to improve its Indigenous Peoples’ Position Statement but it falls short and places Indigenous communities at continued risk from mining activities. If mining companies want to comply with international standards for Indigenous Peoples’ rights and ensure their Social License to Operate when they operate on the traditional lands and territories of Indigenous Peoples, ICMM must include stronger commitments,” said Galina Angarova, Executive Director of the SIRGE Coalition.  “Many Indigenous Peoples’ communities distrust the mining industry due to the historic legacy of harm that mining companies have left behind on Indigenous lands and territories. Mining companies must always respect Indigenous Peoples’ rights to self-determination and to offer or withhold their Free, Prior, and Informed Consent.”

Furthermore, the policy’s inconsistent use of terminology – interchanging the terms “agreement” and “consent” – not only creates confusion but allows for misinterpretation of legally defined terminology. Free, Prior and Informed Consent is Indigenous Peoples’ right to say “yes,” “no,” or “yes” with qualifications. While agreements can be expressions of consent and self-determination, they can only be achieved when Indigenous-defined Free, Prior and Informed Consent priorities, processes, and protocols are fully integrated and operationalized. ICMM and its members must consistently use the term “consent” or “Free, Prior and Informed Consent” avoiding the substitution of these terms with “agreements” or “consultation.”

ICMM’s position also fails to address the ongoing harms from past projects, leaving unresolved impacts on the rights and well-being of Indigenous Peoples.  Free, Prior and Informed Consent commitments must be applied in a manner that addresses past harms and continued impacts from existing mining activities. 

The SIRGE coalition notes additional concerns with the ICMM position statement, including the lack of clear guidelines for enforcing Free, Prior and Informed Consent, insufficient due diligence requirements, inadequate protections for Indigenous Peoples in Voluntary Isolation and Initial Contact, and the lack of directives for engaging vulnerable populations, particularly Indigenous women and elders. 

The SIRGE Coalition supports the recommendations outlined in critical analysis, which concludes:

“The ICMM’s Position Statement shows a minimal effort to align with the principles of UNDRIP, ILO 169, IFC PS7, and the UNGPs; significant improvements are necessary to truly uphold these international standards. The ICMM must eliminate ambiguity in the application of FPIC, apply these updated commitments retrospectively, address potential conflicts between State and corporate responsibilities, ensure the participation of vulnerable Indigenous Peoples, make no contact with Indigenous Peoples in Voluntary Isolation and Initial Contact, establish robust monitoring mechanisms, implement clear redress and remediation processes, and enhance the protection of Indigenous cultural heritage. Only by addressing these critical areas can the ICMM ensure that its practices genuinely respect and uphold the rights of Indigenous Peoples, fostering sustainable and equitable development.”

As published, ICMM’s deeply flawed position allows the continuation of harm to Indigenous Peoples by mining operations and calls into question ICMM’s stated commitment to respecting Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Mentioning international frameworks without robust accountability mechanisms undermines the instruments to uphold Indigenous Peoples’ rights.

The SIRGE Coalition calls on the ICMM and other standard setting bodies working towards a consolidated mining industry standard, to correct, strengthen and provide more clarity in their Indigenous Peoples policies, or run the risk of perpetuating harms and rights abuses.

Disproportionate Mobilization of Indigenous Peoples in Khabarovsk Krai in raw figures

Author: Maria Vyushkova

On August 1, 2024, a study was published by the publication “Important Stories” and the independent analytical group Conflict Intelligence Team. Based on data about payments to military personnel and their families, both teams managed to calculate the number of contract soldiers and mobilized personnel recruited from autumn 2022 to April 2024.

According to these calculations, 4,496 people were mobilized in Khabarovsk Krai.

How many of them were representatives of the region’s indigenous peoples?

We can find the answer to this question in the speech of the President of the Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North of Khabarovsk Krai Lyubov Odzyal. She delivered this speach at an event called “Special military operation: Contribution of the Indigenous Peoples of the North and Far East”, which was held in Moscow on April 30, 2024, as part of the XIX international exhibition and fair “Treasures of the North”. Lyubov Odzyal stated that 200 representatives of the indigenous peoples of the Khabarovsk Territory were mobilized.

According to the 2021 census, the population of the Khabarovsk Territory is 1,292,944 people. The indigenous peoples (Nanai, Negidal, Nivkh, Oroch, Udege, Ulchi, Evenki, Evens) number 21,129 people.

This means that the number of mobilized from the non-indigenous population of the region is approximately 34 people per 10 thousand residents.

As for the indigenous population the number is about 95 per the same 10 thousand.

The numbers speak for themselves. Representatives of the indigenous peoples were indeed taken much more often.

The consequences of this are already visible. In the Udege village of Gvasyugi, only 211 people live according to the census. Five of the mobilized people are now known to have died.

War and disproportionate mobilization are a direct threat to the future of the indigenous peoples of Khabarovsk Krai.


Galina Angarova’s Address on International Indigenous Day: A Call for Unity and Action

In this message from Galina Angarova, the Executive Director of the SIRGE Coalition discusses the importance of safeguarding Indigenous rights and lands in the context of global climate solutions. Galina emphasizes the need for meaningful inclusion of Indigenous voices in decision-making processes and highlights the role that Indigenous peoples play in protecting biodiversity and combating climate change.


The International Committee of Indigenous Peoples of Russia (ICIPR) expresses extreme concern and indignation over the inclusion of 55 indigenous peoples’ organizations, national minorities, decolonial, and other associations in the list of “extremists” by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Aborigen-Forum, an informal association of independent experts, activists, leaders, and public organizations of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia, and the Far East, also appeared in the list.

The list also includes the International Committee of Indigenous Peoples of Russia (ICIPR), according to the publication on the website of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Earlier, we expressed concern when, on June 7, the Supreme Court of Russia, at the request of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, recognized the so-called “Anti-Russian Separatist Movement” as an extremist organization. We feared that, since such an organization does notify exist and the wording is very broad, any organization criticizing the Russian authorities could be included under this decision.

Now it is evident how this decision is being implemented. The organizations defending the rights of indigenous peoples are being included into the list of the “extremist” organizations.

Andrey Fedorkov, the lawyer who collaborates with the human rights project Support for Political Prisoners. Memorial, comments for Idel.Realii:

Currently, anyone who displays any symbols of their region, used by any organization advocating for the freedom and independence of their region, is at risk. This includes anyone who distributes relevant materials or provides links related to this topic.

We can see how absurd the application of the law is. My prediction is that a significant number of criminal cases will follow based on these articles.

Our committee also sees this as a reaction from the Russian government to the participation of indigenous movements in international platforms, such as the UN.

Just two weeks ago (July 8-12, 2024), a session of the UN Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP) concluded in Geneva, where members of our organization raised issues of human rights violations against indigenous peoples in Russia, as well as Russia’s influence on UN bodies.

Additionally, shortly before the UN session, ICIPR published a report on the Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia, and the Far East of the Russian Federation (RAIPON), which is controlled by the Russian government.

• It is important to note that immediately after the EMRIP session in 2022, Russia blocked our website iRussia.

• In 2023, after the EMRIP session, ICIPR member and indigenous human rights defender Pavel Sulyandziga was added to the list of foreign agents.

• And now, in 2024, after the EMRIP session, we have been included in the “extremist” list.



The International Committee of Indigenous Peoples of Russia (ICIPR) is an international organization of indigenous peoples, established in March 2022 as a response by several leaders and activists of indigenous peoples of Russia to the onset of the war in Ukraine.

All founding members of ICIPR were previously activists or community leaders of indigenous peoples in Russia and were forced to leave the country for various political reasons.

The aim of ICIPR is to promote the rights of indigenous peoples of the Russian Arctic, Siberia, and the Far East to their traditional lands, resources, and self-determination at national and global levels during wartime and amidst political repression in Russia.

WE, representatives of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia, and the Far East, are deeply alarmed by our inclusion in the “extremist list.” We express our extreme concern regarding the protection of indigenous peoples’ rights in this situation.

WE, as representatives of the indigenous peoples of Russia, stand in solidarity with other associations that have also been included in this list.

WE call upon all international organizations, NGOs, as well as intergovernmental, scientific, and human rights bodies, including the UN, the Council of Europe, and the Arctic Council, to CONDEMN the decision of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation to include 55 organizations in the “extremist” list.


Translated from

Yana Tannagasheva’s Address at the 17th Session of UN EMRIP: A Voice for Indigenous Rights in Russia

Thank you, Mr./Madam Chair, for the floor

The Russian government talks all the time about the colonialism of IP in other countries but has never said that the IP of the North, Siberia and the Far East were also colonized and continue to suffer. The everyday reality of the Indigenous Peoples of Russia is profoundly different from the rights described by Russian government and some of non-independent Indigenous representatives from Russia. 

At this time, I am going to speak on behalf of three Indigenous women (Buryat and Sakha Indigenous Peoples of Russia) who applied to attend this session, but for unknown reasons, unfortunately, were denied at the same time and were unable to travel to Geneva, although their tickets had already been purchased. These three strong activists represent anti-war organizations working on decolonial issues and drawing attention to violations of Indigenous rights in Russia and the impact of the war in Ukraine on their communities. 

I will read their message.

We, the undersigned Indigenous activists of Russia, are deeply concerned about the current tendency at the UN of Russia’s introducing its representatives into international human rights and Indigenous Rights mechanisms, and we are also very concerned about the exclusion of independent Indigenous voices from Russia from mechanisms such as the UN EMRIP and the PFII. 

We were not allowed to attend the 17th session of the EMRIP, but we hope that our voices will still be heard loudly. We believe that preventing independent representatives of Indigenous Peoples of Russia from attending UN sessions is a strong influence of the Russian Federation. Russia is trying to spread its propaganda in every possible way. Those who manage to participate in UN sessions are being pressurized by the Russian authorities in every possible way. 

Russia needs the natural resources of Indigenous Peoples. By selling it, the country earns billions of dollars to wage wars, to maintain a high level in the capital, to generously feed the power structures and keep the oligarch class and the elite loyal. Unfortunately, some Indigenous People’ representatives fall under such influence. Such Indigenous representatives become a tool of Russia’s propaganda.

We call on the EMRIP, the PFII, the VF, UN treaty bodies, and the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to pay special attention to the representation of Indigenous Peoples of Russia, and we ask for ensuring the full and unhindered participation of independent Indigenous representatives in all future processes. It is very strange that the Association of the IP of Yamal made the same statement twice today. But nobody from independent indigenous from Russia.

We believe in the independence and commitment of UN mechanisms to freedom, inclusiveness, universality in the protection of Human Rights and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Thank you!

Greed wins: gold miners massively pollute Russian rivers

In June, 231 cases of river pollution caused by suspended substances downstream from placer gold mining sites were documented on the Siberian and the Far East rivers. This pollution extended over 10,761 kilometres, as reported in an interim analysis by the Center for Satellite Monitoring and Civil Control (CSMiGK) available to the “Zolotari” project. Environmentalists describe it as the most extensive pollution from gold mining activities observed in recent years.

As mentioned by Kedr.Media and Alexander Kolotov, the satellite images decrypted and analyzed by CSMiGK specialists revealed that between June 1 and June 30, there were 105 cases of river pollution in the Amur region, spanning 3,352 kilometres; 43 cases in Krasnoyarsk Krai, covering 2,750 kilometres; 36 cases in the Kemerovo region, covering 2,909 kilometres; 27 cases in Zabaykalsky Krai, spanning 1,444 kilometres; 14 cases in the Jewish Autonomous Region, covering 266 kilometres; and 6 cases in Khabarovsk Krai, spanning 40 kilometres.

“The extensive nature of these environmental violations on the gold-bearing rivers of Siberia and the Far East clearly shows that greed is triumphing over nature, and the state has yet to counter this,” commented Alexander Kolotov, director of the “Conservation of Siberia and the Far East” foundation, regarding the satellite monitoring results. “If hundreds of gold mining licenses are issued each year without the ability to monitor their use, the outcome is predictable: isolated inspections and fines simply lose their effectiveness.”

Kolotov explained that as placer gold mining became highly profitable due to rising gold prices, gold miners largely ignored environmental restrictions, assuming that the potential profits would more than cover any fines. “This is why we see murky streams stretching downstream from gold mines for tens of kilometres almost without interruption in the satellite images,” noted the environmentalist. “This situation can only occur when gold mining waste is intentionally discharged into the river without regard for environmental oversight by the state.”

From May 15 (the start of satellite monitoring) to June 30, the Center for Satellite Monitoring and Civil Control recorded a total of 308 instances of river pollution with suspended substances downstream from placer gold mining sites, with the total length of identified pollution reaching 13,544 kilometres.

Photo by

Also, it is important to heed this observation by environmentalists: “Murky streams extend downstream from gold mines for tens of kilometres almost uninterrupted,” as noted by the environmentalist. “This is only possible when gold mining waste is intentionally discharged into the river without any consideration for environmental oversight by the state.” Another significant statement is: “Gold miners have largely stopped complying with environmental regulations because they anticipate that potential profits will outweigh any fines.”

This means a long-term loss of drinking water and fish in these rivers for indigenous peoples. And not just during the years when gold mining cooperatives are active on the rivers, but for hundreds of years. Fish cannot reproduce in murky streams. As is well known, the fish stocks of Alaska’s gold-bearing rivers that do not flow into the sea have not recovered since the gold rush.

Therefore, it is no surprise that Rosprirodnadzor (Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation) imposed such a large fine on Norilsk Nickel, with the largest portion attributed to potential damage to aquatic biological resources.

It’s easier to deal with a large violator who is always in the public eye. But gold mining cooperatives are only fined small amounts, and only after the discovery of some pipe discharging waste into the river. This is one of thousands of such pipes. And it’s generally difficult to detect and prove the mass instances of machinery entering the rivers.

However, the Center for Satellite Monitoring and Civil Control has recorded hundreds of violations and thousands of kilometres of murky water in rivers downstream from licensed sites.

This is a serious reason for indigenous peoples, along with concerned local populations, to appeal to the Government and the State Duma with a demand to improve the relevant laws on placer gold mining. These laws should regulate the issuance of hundreds of licenses and prevent the mass pollution of rivers, which causes enormous and potentially long-term damage to aquatic biological resources and the nation’s food security.

Many regional indigenous organizations and local environmental groups from Murmansk to Kamchatka could support such a public initiative.

Photo by Alexey Gribkov

Report on RAIPON (Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North)

The International Committee of Indigenous Peoples of Russia announced the release of a detailed report. The report is on the Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North (RAIPON). This in-depth analysis raises serious concerns about RAIPON’s recent transformation and evolving role as an instrument of state propaganda.

Key insights from the report include:

  • A timeline of RAIPON’s increasing alignment with state interests, often at the cost of genuine indigenous advocacy.
  • Actions that undermine the true representation of indigenous communities.
  • The potential consequences for the future of indigenous rights and representation in Russia.

We acknowledge the significant impact these developments have on the global community. We emphasize the need for open and transparent discussions. This report marks a vital step toward restoring the integrity and mission of indigenous advocacy in Russia.

COP28 Organization Sign-On Letter: Ensure Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Are Secured in the “Green” Transition

Dear COP28 Delegates, 

We, Indigenous leaders and allies from diverse cultures, traditions, and regions across the globe, are united in calling for COP28 to be a platform to discuss Indigenous Peoples’ rights in the context of the increasing demand for minerals mined for energy storage, electrified transportation batteries, and other green energy technologies. In our call, we urge for governments and corporations to respect, protect, and fulfill Indigenous Peoples’ rights, specifically the right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC), as the minimum standards enumerated in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and the ILO Convention 169, to ensure equitable and responsible environmental and social practices on our lands. 

We acknowledge and emphasize that it is more important than ever to transition to clean energy and clean transportation solutions, and away from fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and gas. Indigenous leaders have been calling for climate action around the world for decades. We have ancestral, cultural, and spiritual ties to our lands that not only require our participation in climate advocacy but also call us to commit to the proper stewardship practices of nature that are deeply rooted in our ways of life. Many Indigenous leaders are pursuing and championing clean energy and transportation solutions on their territories that align with their self-determined needs and goals. These Indigenous-led solutions need to be acknowledged, recognised, promoted, and funded by States and private entities.

While we are at the forefront of the fight for climate action and clean energy, our profound connection to our ancestral lands also puts us on the frontlines to ensure that these lands will not be sacrifice zones for those companies and politicians who seek a quick fix in the name of climate solutions. Our commitment to a just transition doesn’t overshadow our firm stance against mining practices that occur without obtaining FPIC of Indigenous Peoples and can lead to displacement; migration; and livelihood, cultural, and language loss. We firmly assert that mining operations must adhere to responsible practices guided by the FPIC framework, which upholds the right to self-determination of Indigenous Peoples. We, Indigenous Peoples, hold an inherent and inalienable right to make decisions about the future of our lands, territories, and resources. 

The historic exploitation of our people and lands by oil, gas, and mining companies showcases a legacy of putting profits over our well-being, health, safety, cultures, traditions, and our sacred lands, waters, and air. With 54% of energy transition minerals globally located on or near our Indigenous Peoples’ lands, it is imperative that our communities participate meaningfully in decision-making and are able to exercise our right to give or withhold consent to these projects that will impact our lives, livelihoods, and cultures. 

Ignoring our voices will only perpetuate the fossil fuel and mining industry’s status quo. Instead, if and when new mines are proposed on our ancestral lands, Indigenous Peoples must be involved from the start. Our subsistence, cultural practices, and priorities must be at the center of negotiations for proposed mines on our lands. We need to be involved in policies and enhanced levels of engagement and transparency at every step of the process. These must be co-developed with our participation and according to our leadership and governance structures.

The most protective way to achieve this is for governments and businesses around the world to ensure the highest standards of FPIC occur for every proposed minerals mining project that impacts Indigenous Peoples. As articulated in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which was adopted by the United Nations in 2007 and endorsed by many countries throughout the world, FPIC expresses consent-based protocols defined by Indigenous leaders, secures decision-making authority and participatory rights in all decisions that affect Indigenous communities and territories, and helps understand the full impacts of projects affecting Indigenous Peoples lands, subsistence, and cultural practices, and ways of life.

FPIC encompasses Indigenous Peoples’ right to:

  • Enter into conversations and negotiations without coercion or manipulation. 
  • Engage in consultations and decision-making processes long before decisions are made concerning their land, resources, individuals, and communities.  
  • Utilize their own traditional decision-making structures/governance, ensuring that these structures are respected and integrated into the process.
  • Have full information that is easily accessible and readily available in a language they understand. 
  • Say “yes” or “no” to a project.
  • To be involved and heard throughout a project’s life cycle wherever it impacts people and resources.
  • Retain the ability to withdraw consent at any stage of the project or activity if circumstances change or new information arises that affects their consent.
  • Receive support and resources necessary for effective and meaningful participation in discussions and decision-making processes. 

We will not back down from our role as leaders in the fight for climate action and clean energy. COP28 must be the foundation for governments around the world to build on this momentum and take the urgent steps needed to secure Indigenous Peoples’ self-determination as reflected in UNDRIP and as defined by impacted Indigenous Peoples so that the world can get this transition right, take the required climate action, and avoid making the mistakes of the past that have put our people and ways of life at risk, and have pushed planetary boundaries to dangerous limits. In the spirit of this effort, we believe it is an opportunity to define a better and more inclusive world that serves all communities and all peoples – transcending the boundaries of concentrated political and economic power. In this collective vision, we are committed to protecting our shared cultural heritage and practices that bind us together and to continue being responsible stewards of the planet. 

Thank you for your time and consideration.

En español


1. Securing Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in the Green Economy (SIRGE) Coalition
2. Cultural Survival
3. First Peoples Worldwide
4. Batani Foundation
5. Earthworks 6. Society for Threatened Peoples


Casual racism in Russia’s everyday life: ‘Even though you are Buryat, you are still one of us’

The Buryats, an ethnic group of Mongolic descent, originate from southeastern Siberia. They represent one of the two predominant indigenous populations in Siberia, along with Yakuts. Today, most Buryats reside in their titular homeland, the Republic of Buryatia. This federally administrated province of Russia extends along the southern shoreline and partially encompasses Lake Baikal. The region, along with many other remote poor regions of Russia, had been disproportionally targeted by the military draft in the Russian war on Ukraine.

Since the beginning of the conflict in Donbas, a meme has emerged about “boevoy Buryat” (“battle-ready Buryats”) prepared to sacrifice themselves for Putin. This meme gained widespread popularity after the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. This has exposed a disturbing undercurrent of racism in a country that swears to be ‘fighting against Nazis. The conflict has also disproportionately highlighted Asians as the face of the war, even though they represent an absolute minority in terms of percentage actively participating. Together with an anonymous volunteer from a charitable foundation and Purbe Dambiev, an activist from the Buryat Center in Mongolia, we are talking about some discriminating phrases against the Buryat community.

‘I thought you could only herd cattle’ or ‘Wow, you can do that?’

These derogatory expressions are based on stereotypes about the low intelligence or qualifications of Asians in Russia. While it may seem that such comments are no longer prevalent, real-life experiences prove otherwise.

A volunteer recalled an incident when she and her friend attended a networking event in Moscow. “When I introduced myself and mentioned that I work as a lawyer, one man was surprised and said, ‘Can you do that?’ In his opinion, all Asians living in cities either work as cleaners or couriers. Then he added, ‘I thought you could only herd cattle.’”

There was another example when a Buryat woman went to a restaurant with her colleagues during lunch. “As soon as I entered the restroom, a woman started questioning me: ‘Where are the paper towels?’ In her view, because I am Asian, I must be only a cleaner at that restaurant,” the volunteer recounted.

‘Buryats are superstitious’

In every nation exists a system of widely accepted norms and values, including myths and superstitions. Superstitions reflect the centuries-long history of peoples, but it is not accurate to speak of Buryats as having a unified collective consciousness. Activist Purbe Dambiev explains, “There are quite a number of Buryats: several hundred thousand in Buryatia, thousands of Mongolian and Chinese Buryats. They are all very diverse, and their local customs vary. Among us, there are people who hold traditions dear, and there are those for whom they are not so important.”

‘Battle-ready Buryats’

Buryats are regular people who, in their daily lives, are not fundamentally different from other nationalities. Describing an entire nation as quarrelsome and aggressive is a clear exaggeration and falsehood. Furthermore, as per Dambiev’s words, the phrase “battle-ready Buryats” is deeply offensive because it characterizes people as if they were some kind of particular breed of dogs.

‘For a Buryat person, you are quite…’ (beautiful, tall, muscular, and so on)

Such comments are common instances of racism that Buryats frequently face when they move to western regions of Russia for education or employment. Those who make such comments assume, for instance, that individuals of a specific nationality or ethnic group are typically not considered attractive, and, in this particular case, beauty is something unexpected and unusual.

A volunteer shares: “The sizes and heights of people depend on numerous factors and can vary even within a single ethnic group. However, such expressions are prevalent even among Buryats themselves.”

Sometimes, the speakers claim that they intended to give a compliment. Nevertheless, these statements should not be mistaken for compliments.

‘Before joining Russia, the Buryats didn’t even have a written language’

This statement is factually incorrect. The Buryats had their own methods of transmitting knowledge and cultural heritage prior to contact with the Russian Empire. The Buryats had a Mongolic vertical script. So such a statement is disrespectful towards Buryat culture and history.

‘Even though you are Buryat, you are still one of us’

This is a highly popular and completely racist statement that categorizes people into specific groups. Furthermore, such expressions are now extremely widespread and even find reflection in popular culture. For instance, in the verses of so-called Z-poets who propagate the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

‘Ni hao’

In western regions of Russia, people might use this Chinese greeting towards any Asian, considering it a funny joke. However, it’s a stereotypical and offensive expression that implies that all Asians are the same, sharing the same culture and language.

‘Did you buy a passport? Is Buryatia also part of Russia?’

It’s not a crime to have a limited knowledge of geography. However, while migrants in Russia are legally required to know the language and culture, not all Russians are aware of which regions are part of Russia. This phrase also symbolizes a division between the “real people” with the right documents and the rest with the wrong ones.


There exist several offensive and discriminatory stereotypes associated with the shape of one’s eyes. These physical characteristics lead to derogatory characterizations: Buryats are often unfairly portrayed as less intelligent, more cunning, or having hidden motives.

“The belief that one’s eye shape can somehow reveal their character, behavior, or intelligence is absurd. Such oversimplified perceptions of appearance dismiss the rich history and cultural diversity,” notes a volunteer.

She adds that the complex of “slant eyes” did not emerge out of thin air. Some Asians attempt to address it by undergoing a “European eye fold” surgery.  “These operations are quite popular, not only in Russia’s national republics but also in Kazakhstan,” she further explains.

On one hand, stereotypes are a fairly common aspect of intercultural relations. People with a sense of humor may identify traits associated with specific groups. However, there is a downside to this process: hurtful stereotypes can narrow the boundaries of the world, create actual barriers between people, and fuel division and animosity. Stereotypes about Buryats are a vivid example of these negative social processes.
