Aborigen Forum response to the “Development strategy for the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and ensuring national security through 2035”

Aborigen Forum is an informal alliance of independent experts, activists, leaders, and community organizations representing indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia, and the Far East. Aborigen Forum expresses extreme concern about the approval of the Arctic zone development strategy through 2035, which, in essence,…


Register here: http://bit.ly/IPBHR-BuildingBackBetter Download: IP and LTR_Concept Note-ENG.pdf (3000 KB) Date and time: 11 November 20205.30 PST; 8.30 EST; 15.30 EET; 21.30 PHST Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes Language interpretation: Spanish, French, English, Russian BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES Almost nine months since COVID-19 swept the world, its impacts…

The Saami Council supports appeal from indigenous leaders regarding NorNickel

The Saami Council supports the appeal from indigenous leaders and experts of the Russian Federation to Mr. Elon Musk and Tesla, to refrain from buying nickel from NorNickel until the company implement indigenous peoples’ rights and fulfill its environmental obligations. A sustainable future requires…