Indigenous Siberians, barred from fighting fossil fuels back home, join Line 5 fight

In the United States and Canada, Native citizens can point to long-held treaty rights as attempted recourse against encroaching fossil fuel projects. Such is the case with the Great Lakes tribes that oppose Canadian company Enbridge’s Line 5 pipeline in Michigan and Line 3…

Russians in Maine find relations strained with friends and family overseas

Disinformation about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has convinced many in Russia to support the regime’s unprovoked war. YARMOUTH — Pavel Sulyandziga’s former classmates at Khabarovsk State Pedagogical University in Russia’s Far East used to engage in friendly chats about family, gardening and career developments…

Аn appeal of the International Committee of Indigenous Peoples of Russia to representatives of indigenous peoples in the Russian armed forces

#StayAtHome We, representatives of the indigenous peoples of Russia, appeal to indigenous persons who serve in the Russian armed forces with a request not to take part in the shameful war in Ukraine that president Putin calls a “special military operation”. It is well…

Statement of the Association of Finno-Ugric Peoples of the Russian Federation on the support of the Russian president Vladimir Putin

STATEMENT of the All-Russian Public Movement“Association of Finno-Ugric Peoples of the Russian Federation”. We, the representatives of Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia, express our support to the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, who has decided to protect the rights and interests of…

Why the Saami Council damages the Saami community with its political, biased and anti-Russian statement

Following § 1 of the Statute, the Saami Council is a public and independent cultural and political cooperation organization of the major Saami organizations in Norway, Russia, Finland and Sweden. The Saami Council is a non-governmental public organization. Also, according to § 2 of…


– It’s no wonder since that organization is entirely under the Putin government’s control, says Indigenous activist Pavel Sulyandziga, who has escaped to the USA. Russia’s largest Indigenous organization, RAIPON (Russia’s northern Indigenous people’s organization), has declared that it completely supports Vladimir Putin’s Ukraine…

Russia’s Indigenous Peoples speak out against the war in Ukraine

Because of the war in Ukraine, Russia has been banned from attending this year’s United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, which opened this week in New York. Instead, a Ukrainian delegation, led by an ethnic Crimean Tatar, is taking their place. Also in…

War protesting Sámi activist from Kola seeks asylum in Norway

“I can never return to Russia before the genocide regime is changed,” says Andrei Danilov, a Kildin Sámi from Olenegorsk on the Kola Peninsula. Danilov is a well-known Sámi politician and member of the Sámi Council’s Culture Committee. The Council represents the Sámi across…

My life is in great danger in Russia

The war in Ukraine became the triggering reason why Andrei Danilov no longer wants to live in Russia. – I’ve been thinking about this for a long time.  The war between Russia and Ukraine has been a huge shock to the fact that I…

How Ukraine invasion will hit Russia’s marginalised: An indigenous activist explains

Down To Earth talks to Pavel Sulyandziga, an indigenous activist about what is happening in Russia, especially to its indigenous and marginalised people A lot has been said about how the Russian invasion is devastating for Ukraine. But what about the people in Russia?…