In December 2024, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a landmark resolution advocating for the inclusion of Indigenous peoples in peace agreement negotiations, transitional justice processes, conflict resolution, mediation, and constructive arrangements. This move underscores the recognition of Indigenous communities’ unique contributions to peacebuilding.
The First Global Summit on Indigenous Peacebuilding, held at the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) in April 2024, played a pivotal role in this development. The summit facilitated Indigenous leaders’ engagement with U.N. institutions and member states, leading to several significant outcomes:
• Indigenous leaders addressed the U.N. Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) in April 2024.
• Summit attendees briefed U.N. member states during the General Assembly in September 2024.
• The U.N. Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs appointed an official dedicated to Indigenous mediation.
• The summit’s declaration influenced eight articles on Indigenous peacebuilding in the UNPFII’s outcome document and informed language in the December U.N. resolution.
Additionally, the Global Network of Indigenous Peacebuilders, Mediators, and Negotiators was established during the summit. This network aims to promote Indigenous practices in formal peacebuilding efforts in the coming years.
Given that 80% of the world’s conflicts occur in biodiversity hotspots where Indigenous peoples reside, recognizing and integrating Indigenous knowledge in peacebuilding is imperative. Documenting and understanding the diverse methods Indigenous communities have used for peacebuilding throughout history is essential for effective conflict resolution.
In summary, the U.N.’s recent resolution and the initiatives stemming from the Global Summit on Indigenous Peacebuilding highlight a growing acknowledgment of the vital role Indigenous peoples play in global peace efforts.